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4、Some of the fallen leaves are like a boat sailing in the wind, some are like acrobats tumbling down, and some are like gliders circling down in circles.

5、Summer is coming. Who told you? Oh, it turned out to be big round green watermelons. The watermelon is also inlaid with dark green patterns, which looks like a globe reflecting each other from a distance. Take a bite, its sweet, let peoples mouth flow to the skirt all at once.



8、Summer is a rich and colorful season. Many people have worked hard and given their precious lives for this short and brilliant summer. I havent tasted the taste of summer yet, but I have already felt it, and I am trying to get ready for it. The short beautiful and mediocre life.


10、The most beautiful and cool time in summer is at night. Every summer, I look forward to the night, because the day is too hot to describe. However, the summer has the longest day. It takes a long time to look forward to the night.



13、Lying on the mat, I feel like an iron beef fillet.



16、Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.夏天的飞鸟,飞到我的窗前唱歌,又飞去了。

17、Summer is a burning season. In the hot sun of the nuclear fusion fireball, the dog sticks out its tongue, the cicada chirps impatiently, the asphalt road is soft, and the fish surface to breathe.

18、In early summer, all kinds of wild flowers bloom, red, purple, pink and yellow, like bright spots embroidered on a large green carpet; Swarms of bees are busy in the flowers, sucking on the stamens and diligently flying around.

19、Summer is a flexible young man. He came to replace Miss Chun. Miss Chun said goodbye to us quietly with light steps. People were reluctant to part with her. They saw off Miss Chun and welcomed Xia Xiaoxiao.

20、The summer heat, which people can not avoid, is really a headache, whether you walk on the road under the scorching sun or have entered the shadow of trees and houses; Whether in the morning or in the evening, the heat of that summer day is always with you and around you. Its really annoying.

21、Roses have been blooming all summer.




25、Although summer is not as gentle as spring, morning. Neither is it cool in autumn, nor pure in winter, but it has its own beauty.

26、Summer, everywhere, look! The peach tree in front of my house has already produced rich and full peaches. Those peaches made people drool at the sight. They were also tinged with pink on the sharp corner. They looked like a shy little girl, blushing with shame. They were very beautiful.

27、The fragrance of these flowers, like the smell of scallions and garlic, is a plant smell and has a meat feeling, like venting from the hair at the summer dance party.

28、After class, in the hot and dry air, the school is full of books and a strong smell of books everywhere. After class, not many people will sit quietly in the classroom. The playground is full of people running games. The cheering and playing sound condenses into one, and the students are sweating.


30、Look at this little flower. Two sky blue petals stretch, two thin stamens rise high, and the pale yellow stamen head shakes slightly, much like a dancing butterfly.

31、Things base and vile, holding no quantity, love can transpose to from and dignity: love looks not with the eyes, but with mind. (A Midsummer Night’s Dream 1)卑贱和劣行在爱情看来都不算数,都可以被转化成美满和庄严、爱情不用眼睛辨别,而是用心灵来判断/爱用的不是眼睛,而是心。——《仲夏夜之梦》






37、When you walk into the green and overcast bamboo path in the hot summer afternoon, you will immediately feel a refreshing pleasure. The world of mortals is gone, and you are tired without a trace. Your heart is a cool world.




41、The sun was burning in the sky, and on both sides of the road, the mature grains were bending down and lowering their heads in the heat. Grasshoppers are as numerous as leaves of grass. In the wheat and rye fields, in the reeds on the bank, they make a faint and noisy sound.

42、In summer, there is always a feeling of foam. The beautiful, clean sky, green trees and golden sun, although they really exist, make people feel as unreal as foam.





47、In summer, when you look lazily out of the window, you can see the suffocating hot sun baking the already hot road. Although the lawn is green, there is no trace of spirit. It is not as comfortable as the withered and yellow weeds in winter.

48、Age wrinkles the wrinkles the soul.


50、In midsummer, the Chinese rose is like a girl in a pink dress, dancing among the green leaves; Peony flowers are more beautiful, charming and fragrant. Those old poplar trees are also full of green, like an open green velvet umbrella.

51、in summer,i may learn greek when i old,and we will go for a walk forget the time goes by.

52、The trees beside the road are lush and green. Cicadas sing in unison. They seem to be boasting about their seasons.


54、The air is cool. I paddle a boat slowly across the sea of memory. I forget the time, but I remember the past