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one cannot help being old, but one can resist being aged~~网上还有哪些相关的句子呢?以下是由小喇叭作文网编辑为大家整理的“关于健康的英语名言和佳句大全”,或许你能从中找到需要的内容。


1、Now or never. 机不可失,失不再来。

2、Blssd is th prson who is too busy to worry in th daytim, and too slpy to worry at night.

3、Happy is h who only dsirs what h may and dos what h ought.

4、Virtue is the only true nobility. 唯有美德是真正高贵的。

5、No way is impossible to courage 勇敢面前没有通不过的路。

6、She tried many methods to get fit, but they all failed。她尝试了许多塑型的方法,但都失败了。


8、All work and no play maks Jack a dull boy.

9、An ounc of prvntion is worth a pound of cur.

10、No man (or one) is born wise or learned. 人非生而知之者。

11、H is wis that knows whn h is wll nough.

12、。.t.bath twice a day to be really clean. once a day to be passably clean, once a week to avoid being a public menace.

13、Young man may die but old men must die。年轻人可能会死,老年人难免要亡。

14、You can't eat your cake and have it. 不能既要吃饼,又要把饼保存。

15、Chrfulnss is halth; its opposit, mlancholy, is disas.

16、thomas hood, british poet 易怒的人像一只反过来卷缩的刺猬,用自己的'刺折磨自己。

17、Quality is better than quantity. 质重于量。

18、juvenal, ancient roman satirist 健康的思想寓于健康的身体之中。

19、Without sleep,no health。没有睡眠就没有健康。


20、Dit curs mor than doctors.

21、Disease, enemy, and debt-these three must be cut off as soon as they begin to grow。疾病、敌人和债务,这三样事物一露苗头便应除之。

22、nthony burgess. british novelist 一天洗两次澡是真干净,一天洗一次澡也说的过去,一周洗一次只是避免对公共场合造成污染。

23、Weak men wait for opportunity, but the strong men make it. 若者等待机会,强者创造机会。

24、There is no medicine for fear.恐惧没有药物可治疗。

25、Virtue is her (or its) own reward. 为善最乐。

26、If You Don't Know What You Want, You Won't Know When You've Gotten It。 如果你不知道自己想要的是什么,那么当你拥有了也会茫然不知。

27、Halth is not valud till sicknss coms.

28、An appl a day kps th doctor away.

29、H who livs with his mmoris bcoms old. H who livs with plans for th futur rmains young.

30、最佳答案 这问题……

31、joseph addison, british writer 心情愉快是健康的增进剂。

32、Care killed the cat。忧伤足以致命。

33、There is no such thing as a great talent without great will - power (Balzac

34、A light heart lives long.( es by the pound and gOes away by the ounce.

35、Good health is over wealth。健康是最大的财富。

36、Temperance is the best physic。节制乃是最好的医药。

37、Money makes the mare to go. 钱可通神。

38、When the sun comes in, the doctor goes out。阳光进来,医生离去。




41、if you believe the doctors, nothing is wholesome; if you believe the soldiers, nothing is safe.

42、samuel johnson. british writer, critic 健康当然比金钱更为重要,因为我们赖以获得金钱的就是健康。

43、Only a strong man can enjoy the pleasure of life。唯有身体强壮的人才能享受人生的乐趣。

44、g.w. curis, american writer

45、I have been working out every day。我每天都去健身。



48、The first wealth is health . 健康是人生第一财富Early to bed and early to rise , makes a man healthy , wealthy and wise . 早睡早起会使人健康、富有和聪明

49、Believe is one kind of love。 For loving you, so I believe you。 信任也是一种爱。爱你,所以相信你。

50、Happinss lis first of all in halth.

51、Time reveals all things. 时间会揭露一切。

52、No man is content. 人心是不满足的。

53、Patient people are patient to gain longevity。有耐心的人会活得比较久。

54、You have no goats, and yet you sell kids. 你虽无老山羊,却出卖小山羊。

55、Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 早睡早起身体好。 Prevention is better than cure. 预防胜于治疗。

56、Old love will not be forgotten. 旧情永难忘。

57、Happiness lies, first of all, in health。快乐首先在于有健康的身体。


58、diseases of the soul are more dangerous than those of the body.

59、It is not es old. He cures more than doctors.

60、Old birds are not to be caught with shaft. 老谋是不会失算的。

61、A healthy mind is in a healthy body。健全的精神,寓于健全的体格。

62、Old birds are not caught with new nests. 新巢捉不到老鸟。

63、anonymous 良药苦口利于病。


65、古罗马讽剌家 朱文诺尔

66、预防胜于治疗。—— Dickens 狄更斯

67、H is happy that thinks himslf so.

68、Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. 朋比为奸。

69、Money is the sinews of war. 无钱莫打仗。


71、Fretting cares make gray hairs。忧虑使人早生华发。

72、Read not books alone, but men. 不要光是读书,还要识人。

73、You may delay, but time will not.岁月不饶人。

74、Take the world as it is. 随遇而安。

75、It is not es old、He es.

76、one cannot help being old, but one can resist being aged